What is ViNaGo Quality Promise?
Unlike some travel agencies, Vinago Travel places great emphasis on the quality of hotels. We do not hide behind marketing catchphrases like ‘Hotels similar to XYZ’ or ‘3* hotel’. We provide an explicit guarantee on the quality of the hotels for your peace of mind.
For Premium customers, we guarantee the following:
- Hotels with a guaranteed rating of 8.0/10 on Booking.com OR 4.0/5 on Expedia.co.uk OR 4/5 on Tripadvisor.co.uk
- €100 refund per night per room if the final hotel provided to the Customer does not meet the above specified criteria AND the customer was not informed of this in advance
For all Standard customers, we guarantee the following:
- Hotels with a guaranteed user review rating of 7.0/10 on Booking.com OR 3.5/5 on Expedia.co.uk OR 3.5/5 on Tripadvisor.co.uk
- €75 refund per night per room if the final hotel provided to the Customer does not meet the above specified criteria AND the customer was not informed of this in advance
Terms and Conditions of ViNaGo Quality Promise:
- Vinago Travel uses www.booking.com user reviews by default. However, if a hotel is not listed on www.booking.com then www.expedia.co.uk or www.tripadvisor.co.uk may be used. No other websites other than the 3 mentioned above would be considered for any claims.
- The Hotel needs to satisfy user review rating on any 1 of the above and not on all 3
For ex: A hotel has a user rating of 8.1 on Booking.com and 3.5/5 on Tripadvisor.co.uk, then no refund is due to the premium customer as it meets the criteria on www.booking.com - The Hotel should have minimum of 20 reviews on the reference website, unless it has opened within the last 12 months in which case less than 20 reviews would be considered as acceptable.
- In the unlikely event that a hotel is not listed on any of the three websites, then Vinago Travel will not making any booking without express consent of the Customer. If such a consent is provided, then no compensation is due.
- If due to extraordinary circumstances, For ex: Major sporting event, Trade fair Vinago Travel is unable to meet the quality criteria, then no compensation is due provided that the Customer has been informed at least 30 days before departure (assuming full payment has been made prior to it). If the full payment is made within last 30 days of departure, then the Customer has to informed within 5 working days after making the payment. Vinago Travel will try it’s best to offer alternatives to the customer in this case however it is not liable for compensation if adequate advance notice has been provided explaining the circumstances.
- No compensation is due if the Customer choses a remote location, which does not have at least 5 hotels satisfying the ‘ViNaGo Quality Assurance’ criteria for the specified star rating of the Customer.
- If the customer explicitly demands a particular hotel not meeting the ‘ViNaGo Quality’ criteria, then Vinago Travel is not liable for any compensation.
- If the Customer accepts an alternative offer by Vinago Travel (For ex: upgrades in other hotels or future credits or any other alternative offer) then no cash compensation is due.
- Any compensation due to the customer would be paid within 15 working days after completion of the Trip.
- The Customer can claim compensation in the Feedback form or send an email to feedback@vinagotravel.com specifying the number of nights for which compensation is due.